Talking Shop with 3sixteen
Way, Way off the Rail: Talking Shop with 3sixteen
Issue 56 of The Essential Journal. The Bricks & Mortar Edition
Sit down with Ralph for any length of time and he’ll tell you he’s the breadwinner of the household. This is untrue. Ralph is as averse to a hard day’s work as he is to a much-needed bath. He’s also a dog. You really shouldn’t be listening to him.
Anyway, in the interest of keeping Ralph’s kibble dish full, I peddle persiflage and amphigory for a living. Mad really, putting words in a particular order and being called a professional writer for my trouble. Some of the words aren’t even mine; they’re literally from the mouths of other people. I didn’t even have to think them up myself. Wild, eh? You couldn’t write this shit. Unless you’re me, apparently. Because that’s what I’m paid to do.
One such collection of words, freshly stolen from the mouths of folk more interesting than myself, can be found over on the Essential Journal website. It’s a chit-chat I had with Andrew Chen and Johan Lam of 3sixteen. It’s about the opening of their new flagship store in NYC. It’s called Talking Shop. And it can be found here.