A Small Beer Guide to Getting Dressed and Feeling Normal

A Small Beer Guide to Getting Dressed and Feeling Normal

Way, Way off the Rail: Getting Dressed with Small Beer

‘You're thinking of Faulkner’ was Hemingway’s response to being asked if he wrote drunk. Which is all the wording needed to put a sound and solid end to the ‘write drunk, edit sober’ silliness so often misattributed to him.

People don’t write well when they’re drunk, they just think they do. Writing indulged simply leads to indulgent writing, a practice reserved for people who like being called ‘writers’ more than they actually like writing.

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There are those that will disagree and I’ll let them well alone in that endeavour. Anyone looking to poke holes in Papa’s stance on the subject of writing (or drinking) needs no further resistance from me. They’re already pissing into the wind. 

Writing is work. Booze is play. Ne'er the twain shall meet. Unless you’re drinking Small Beer. In which case you might be onto something, you clever devil you. That reminds me - I’ve written a thought or two on the fine art of getting dressed and feeling normal for Small Beer’s blog. Feel free to check it out.


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Obnoxicated #1: The Problem with Influencers

Obnoxicated #1: The Problem with Influencers

Talking Shop with 3sixteen

Talking Shop with 3sixteen